Last month, mere moments after her rope bondage match against Crazy Azy (mentioned here), VeVe quickly shifted gears, made a little costume change, and squared off against her long-time wrestling rival Hanz Vanderkill for our first competitive mixed duct tape bondage wrestling match!
In March of this year, as some of you may know, VeVe participated in our first female/female duct tape match against M. In fact, this was our first-ever experience with duct tape bondage wrestling
For that match, VeVe and M wore pantyhose and leotards - not only because they were angry rival ballerinas, but also so the tape would stick more readily to their bodies, even as they started to sweat. A good tactic for good tackiness. And indeed a tactic that left long-sleeve-wearing M duct taped up fairly quickly.
But for VeVe's match against Hanz, skin was in... or at least more so.
For this mixed match, Hanz wore only his spandex shorts, leaving most of his skin exposed to the tape. Would this be a boon or bane? Would the sweat protect him from getting stuck, or would his skin suffer from direct-to-body-taping?
VeVe, on the other hand, opted to wear a bikini top and three pairs of pantyhose, each a slightly different color. She expected a rough and sticky fight to come, and so she was well prepared to face the pantyhose-distress that the duct tape would bring.
Speaking of rough fights, I'd like to point out that these two have a history of creating LONG and furious bondage wrestling matches. Their first rope match was a lengthy and ferocious battle... and their rope rematch was even longer and more ferocious.
So, yes, take two hardcore, never-say-die bondage wrestlers, add duct tape, and, well, yes, there is most definitely some pantyhose-distress to be expected!
The match was fierce! It was grueling, it was brutal, it was infuriating, rough, and hard-fought. And, yes, there was some pantyhose-distress. But all things considered, the nylons did hold up better than I thought they would. But then again, the nylons didn't end up on the losing side of the battle...
Mixed Duct Tape Bondage Wrestling
VeVe Lane vs Hanz
November 2014
For that match, VeVe and M wore pantyhose and leotards - not only because they were angry rival ballerinas, but also so the tape would stick more readily to their bodies, even as they started to sweat. A good tactic for good tackiness. And indeed a tactic that left long-sleeve-wearing M duct taped up fairly quickly.
But for VeVe's match against Hanz, skin was in... or at least more so.

VeVe, on the other hand, opted to wear a bikini top and three pairs of pantyhose, each a slightly different color. She expected a rough and sticky fight to come, and so she was well prepared to face the pantyhose-distress that the duct tape would bring.
Speaking of rough fights, I'd like to point out that these two have a history of creating LONG and furious bondage wrestling matches. Their first rope match was a lengthy and ferocious battle... and their rope rematch was even longer and more ferocious.
So, yes, take two hardcore, never-say-die bondage wrestlers, add duct tape, and, well, yes, there is most definitely some pantyhose-distress to be expected!
The match was fierce! It was grueling, it was brutal, it was infuriating, rough, and hard-fought. And, yes, there was some pantyhose-distress. But all things considered, the nylons did hold up better than I thought they would. But then again, the nylons didn't end up on the losing side of the battle...
Mixed Duct Tape Bondage Wrestling
VeVe Lane vs Hanz
November 2014
A new, grueling mixed wrestling challenge - VeVe Lane faces off against her arch-rival Hanz Vanderkill in a fully competitive, rough-and-tumble Duct Tape Bondage Wrestling match! Hanz has always been VeVe's toughest male bondage wrestling opponent. Now the two will clash in this new duct tape style. The first to fully immobilize the opponent wins!
VeVe and Hanz dive into the the match eagerly, unwinding their tape and fighting to wrap it around each other. But they quickly find bondage wrestling with tape is nothing like using ropes! The tape needs many wraps before it's strong enough to hold such a furious fighter as VeVe or Hanz, and the two break through each other's attempted binds over and over. As the mats fill up with torn strands of tape, the fighters' frustration grows. Clearly the winner will need to lock in full control of the opponent before even beginning to tape them up – no easy task!
VeVe and Hanz resort to punishing scissor and leg-triangle holds, attempting to keep their hands free to wind the tape. Submissions aren't allowed, but as the intensity keeps climbing, desperation for a finish mounts, and the holds snap on rougher and tighter, each fighter hoping to intimidate and wear down the other.
At long last, VeVe scores the perfect hold. She manages to lock Hanz in an incredibly tight mounted triangle. With Hanz gasping and thrashing, VeVe races to tape up his arms before he can break free yet again.
She speedily wraps his wrists and forearms, the finish line finally in sight. She locks up his legs and tightly tape-binds him from shins to thighs then tapes his arms to his body. Hanz groans in discomfort, but VeVe just keeps winding the tape, so pleased to have finally caught him! She shuts him up with a thick tape gag before torturing him with a brief set of headscissors. She rubs a pair of her sweaty pantyhose in his face and concludes with a proud, hard-earned victory pose.
VeVe: 5'4" and 120 lbs. Hanz 6'1" and 180 lbs.
Total running time: 36 minutes
Includes opening comments and 5 minutes of candid post-match remarks.
VeVe wears bikini top and 3 pairs of pantyhose. Tape gag for loser.
Preview thumbnails:
Sittman and Pitt of Brooklyn, New York developed a playing machine in 1891 that was a precursor 우리카지노 to the modern slot machine. It contained 5 drums holding a total of 50 card faces and was based on poker. The machine proved extremely in style, and shortly many bars in the city had quantity of} of them. Players would insert a nickel and pull a lever, which would spin the drums and the playing cards that they held, the participant hoping for a good poker hand. To enhance the chances for the house, two playing cards had been usually removed from the deck, the ten of spades and the jack of hearts, doubling the odds towards winning a royal flush.